For Android-based phone is expected to power the most popular with 39.5%. In second place is Symbian with 20.9%. And then followed by IOS in the iPhone Apple ranked third with 15.7%. Where the BlackBerry and WP 7 trailing the next sequence with a market share of 14.9% and 5.5%, which can be expected to dominate the most popular and most advanced OS.
With predictions WP 7 will be found to defeat the IOS in 2015 estimated that only got 15.3% market share. Here is one opinion of Ramon Llamas, senior analyst in IDC's Mobile Devices Technology and Trends, "the Alliance they combine the capabilities of hardware Nokia and Windows platform Phone which has a differentiation. In 2015, IDC expects Windows Phone into the operating system number two in the world, behind Android "
So for those of you who follow the mobile phone technology, do not miss to try samapai sophistication of the operating system, Windows Phone 7 which is on track to beat the sophistication of the operating system used by iPhone