Gempa Jepang - Japan's 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Miyagi Beach

foto gempa jepang, tsunami jepangGempa Jepang -
Earthquake felt by Japanese nationals returning to power 7.4 SR, which is estimated in the epicenter area Offshore Miyagi. Even this earthquake is estimated to be potentially huge for the second Japanese tsunami.

This information is obtained from the Embassy in Tokyo, Thursday, 7 April 2011 on this night, "An earthquake measuring 7.4 Richter with a center off the coast of Miyagi. " Earthquake felt Japanese citizens back on this evening at around 21:32 pm or 23:32 pm Japan time local time.

Japan Earthquake Japan Tsunami potentially makes Japanese people are very panic and fear that the tsunami as experienced by residents of Japan a few weeks ago. Visible light, and the board were moving fast. It can be seen from NHK television broadcast calling for residents living in coastal northeast, away from the beach because it feared a tsunami. NHK broadcasts showed the shock was felt in tall buildings and also an area close to the epicenter is estimated there are some houses that collapsed because of shocks such magnitude 7.4 quake.