The pair duet Anang Hermansyah and official Ashanty courtship. Both claimed to have been very fit and want a relationship more serious. Anand express their feelings in front of the audience while performing at a star hotels in Jakarta, yesterday.
"Well, I'm still a bit shocked. Still in shock. Kaget how Mas Anang express his feelings to the rich so. It should be appreciated," said Ashanty, blushed, as reported by Hello Celebrity SCTV, on Wednesday (27 / 4).
Even so, they did not want to reveal when it will formalize its relationship to the level of marriage. "I've never been a serious courtship continues to fail. I do not want to disappoint their parents if it fails again. Once a spouse, pengennya lifetime," said Ashanty.
As if not reckless, Anand chose not to daydream more. Men born in Jember, March 18, 1969, it only reveals choose Ashanty because included in the criteria that could be near her two children the marriage with Krisdayanti.
"Well, I'm still a bit shocked. Still in shock. Kaget how Mas Anang express his feelings to the rich so. It should be appreciated," said Ashanty, blushed, as reported by Hello Celebrity SCTV, on Wednesday (27 / 4).
Even so, they did not want to reveal when it will formalize its relationship to the level of marriage. "I've never been a serious courtship continues to fail. I do not want to disappoint their parents if it fails again. Once a spouse, pengennya lifetime," said Ashanty.
As if not reckless, Anand chose not to daydream more. Men born in Jember, March 18, 1969, it only reveals choose Ashanty because included in the criteria that could be near her two children the marriage with Krisdayanti.