Watch Oprah Rihanna Message Video - Oprah on Rihanna Warning Advice Video (Chris Brown)

Talkshows world queen Oprah Winfrey is concerned with the violence done against Chris Brown Rihanna. Oprah also remind Rihanna gone to Chris. The man, says Oprah, Rihanna will attack again.
"Chris Brown and Rihanna, if I was your friend, I would say, given time, follow counseling, care and heal your self first," said Oprah.
"I was not hurt. I have said this to women for many years. Once again, love does not hurt. And if a man hurt once, he will do so again.
As known, February Rihanna suffering injury in the body contend with, Chris Brown, in the car.
However, the incident does not seem to make Rihanna wary is located near Chris. In fact, say a pair of human children have been married secretly at the residence of P Diddy at the Miami